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AMG Weekly News 

Chapel Cleaning

Today after the Reading service is our monthly chapel cleaning. Please consider helping. It’s a good way to be of service to our Gurus and AMG family. We thank you for your help!

Commemorative Service

​This evening from 7-8:15pm we will hold our commemorative service honoring the Mahasamadhi of our Param-Guru, Sri Yukteswar. Please bring a flower as a symbol of your devotion to God and the SRF Gurus, and an offering in an
envelope as a symbol of loyalty to SRF.

Thursday Inspirational Service

This Thursday (3/13) is our Inspirational Service from 7-8:15pm. All are welcome.

Soul Quality Sharing

The next Soul Quality Sharing is next Sunday March16 immediately following the reading service. A light meal will be provided.

2nd Quarter Service Schedule

The schedule for the 2nd Quarter Service Volunteers is posted on the bulletin board in the hallway.  All readers, harmonium players, and ushers please sign up to serve AMG and Master.


A copy of these announcements is posted on the bulletin board in the bookroom, and may be found
on the AMG website:

Albuquerque Meditation Group


1704 Moon N.E.

Suites 1 & 2

Albuquerque, NM


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